Hamsa Mantra


There is a very beautiful Upanishad called the “Paramahamsa Upanishad”. It says that anybody who repeats a mantra is a fool. According to this Upanishad, a psychological revolution should happen in a person in such a way that their very breathing should start repeating the mantra. This can only happen when they are in a deep peace. This mantra which is repeated constantly by the breath, is called Hamsa mantra. The person who is able to hear the ‘ham’ and the ‘sam’, which is the sound of inhaling and exhaling, is said to be established in the Hamsa mantra. Buddha has always spoken of taking the middle path, or Madhyapantha. A person who is on the middle path and is in complete acceptance of the present moment, as well as the infinite possibilities of the future, will be able to hear the ‘ham’ and ‘sam’ sounds of their breathing. The person who carries this understanding in their heart for all twenty four hours, including in the dream state, is a Paramahamsa.


Sit straight, and very consciously, with a very strong decision. Intensely create an intention that you are accepting yourself as you are, in the outer world and in the inner world. Tell yourself that you have enough in the outer world, and enough in the inner world, and accept yourself completely. Decide that there is no need to develop yourself in the outer or inner worlds. Even if you feel you have ego, fear, guilt or greed, accept yourself as you are.

Do this in a very relaxed way, without moving your body. Body movements will create thoughts. If your body is stable it can take you into a deeper silence. Whatever objection your mind raises about not accepting yourself, accept that also. Accept the present moment and all the future moments. Accept everything your mind brings up, even the worst scenarios. Accept all your fears and worries about the future. If it happens, it is inevitable, so accept even that.

You do not have to chant any mantra, just sit with this acceptance. The moment you accept yourself, there will not be any thoughts. Automatically you will see that your breath is flowing with a deep ‘Ham-sam’ sound. Just become silent and you will be able hear this mantra repeating constantly. Do not try to consciously create this sound, it will happen by itself.
This meditation is not supposed to be done at any particular time, it is supposed to be practised constantly. Continuously, whenever you feel that rajas or restlessness is happening in you, you should come back to this state. Initially start doing it with some simple tasks, like talking to your close friend, discussing a simple business deal, playing with a child or moving your body in a simple way. Try all these small actions with the balance of Hamsa mantra and you will see that within a few days, you will be constantly centered on Hamsa mantra while performing all your activities.

Human beings are constantly talking, either to each other or themselves, and this is why the Hamsa mantra is never heard. As one practices this, they will see that their thoughts will slowly begin to reduce. From a hundred, they will come down to ten, and then gradually there will be none. Yet, they will be able to perform all their daily activities smoothly, whether professional or personal. They will be constantly centered on sattva, with the right understanding of the self as well as the world, and will fall into the divine. This is called living enlightenment – to be liberated while living.