Miraculous Healing of Back Pain!


I had lower back pain from as early as when I was 14 years old. Around the age of 18, it was progressively getting worse, and finally when I was 22 it hit hard. I had slipped discs and pinched nerves in my lower back. The doctor didn’t even want to do “adjustments” on me because she said it would cause me too much pain!

The first time Swamiji healed my back was in January 2011 during the first e-NSP (Online Nithyananda Spurna Program). I wrote him a note asking him to heal my back. A couple of sessions after sending Swamiji my note, I was having, what I thought was some very strong kundalini energy happening in my body. I didn’t really understand what was happening or had happened. That night during darshan I again asked Swamiji to heal my back but something clicked in me in that moment – he had already done it. After that point, I did not have any pain for 7 months. Then I got to India to meet Swamiji for the first time (in person) and to attend Inner Awakening as well as Hi-Tech. As soon as I got to the ashram, my lower back started hurting again.

At first it was frustrating but then I realized there were even deeper levels of really old and deep samskaras being burnt away that Swamiji was waiting until I was in his direct presence to work on to make sure I was taken care of.

Then came my Inner Awakening in November 2011. Around the 2nd week I was doing a kriya during one session and suddenly I felt the worst pain in my lower back I had ever felt in my life! But I knew and trusted that these were the deepest layers of this old stored pain I’d been holding onto for over a decade & they were now getting released once and for all! After IA, I could do everything as I did before and everyone around me was in awe and amazement! I opted to have an MRI done to check if everything was okey. It was the biggest miracle of all – the physical proof that my back was, in fact, alright.
There are no words to express my eternal gratitude to Swamiji.

Ava Violette Laurèl, Los Angeles, U.S.A.
[email protected]