Bhakti, The Song of God


Bhakti, the Ultimate Gift

Let me define exactly what I mean by the word “bhakti”. Understanding that whatever you call as reality is experienced in parietal lobe as illusion and ability to feel something beyond this illusion and the ability to merge, relaxing into something beyond this illusion is bhakti. Where you see whatever is seen and experienced including your body as illusion and ability to see beyond this illusion, resting into something which is beyond this illusion is bhakti. The ability to rest in the truth is bhakti. Bhakti is the Song of the God. If you have it, understand, the greatest thing God can contribute to the cosmos, He has given to you; you have the ultimate gift in your life.

The best thing air can present to the cosmos is a breeze. The best thing a plant can present to the world is a flower. The best thing a tree can present to the world is a fruit. The best thing the ocean can present to us is waves. The best thing human beings can present to the cosmos is creativity. The best thing God can give to the world is bhakti. Bhakti is the song of God Himself. The best thing God can give to the world is not enlightenment, it is bhakti.

Towards whom you have bhakti does not matter at all. If it is towards a man, a woman or a stone, God or guru, or just symbol of guru; anything is okey.

Three Kinds of Personalities

There are three kinds of personalities: One, who can intellectually connect but will take lot of time to emotionally feel connected. With anything he can intellectually understand, he can intellectually relate but he can’t emotionally have the feeling; the feeling connection doesn’t happen in him.

The second kind of people can connect emotionally immediately. They will straight away have that feeling connection. One sight, love at the sight. They can have that strong ‘feeling connection’, but very difficult to intellectually analyze and understand. Intellectually they will be a little dull. More energy will be through the heart.

The third group of people are very balanced. The intellect and emotion will be parallel lines in them. They will be very straight. They can connect intellectually and experience emotionally. They are called being level people.

The Power of Bhakti and Sacred Sentiments

Any sentiment which makes a sweetness in your heart is called a sacred sentiment, devotion. When more and more people dive into the sacred sentiments, the more life becomes livable in planet Earth. When more and more people dive into the sacred sentiments the enmity reduces. Cost increases when enmity amongst people increases. Economy and enmity is directly connected. If people are trusting each other the hoarding, possessing comes down. When the possessing is less, the cost of living is less. The whole thing comes down to ahimsa (non violence). Sacred sentiment not only reduces the war, it helps the economical growth. Any country which cherishes sacred sentiments will have a strong, unshakable economy. Habitual cherishing of sacred sentiments creates a deep trust in you, makes life affordable, makes cost of living easy. The sacred sentiment is the lubrication

for the large civilizations. Sacred sentiments make life livable in planet Earth both internally and externally. One such sacred sentiment is Guru Puja. There is no logical reason for ‘why Guru puja is done’, why people touch the Guru’s feet; it is an emotional ‘feeling connection’.

I always tell people, bhakti or feeling connected to the Master is such an ultimate thing, never miss it if at all you got it in your life. The feeling connection to something which is higher than you nullifies all the constant harassment you go through from your body and mind. There are problems which may not be solved by unclutching that will be solved by a feeling connection.

Feeling connection is the ultimate technique. You do not need any other solution or method to get out of any problem. Problems of planets, disease, negativity, black-magic anything, feeling connection is enough.

Entrainment, Entanglement & Enlightenment

Entanglement means 2 persons falling in tune with the same thought. Entrainment means 2 persons falling in tune with the same idea. Enlightenment means 2 persons uniting beyond ideas. When you unclutch, you are in entanglement with me.

Entangling yourself with an enlightened being is the most powerful way to raise yourself to the higher level and get enlightened. I can give you a simple technique to have entanglement with me. Just morning sit in the satsang, that’s all! Everyday morning satsang itself is entanglement’ with me. In entanglement, physical healing happens. In ‘entrainment’, meaning muscle memory, that is if you do what I am saying, then the mental transformation happens. In the ‘enlightenment’ level, just melting, the conscious explosion happens. Then the very mystical doors of life opens and the enlightenment, or conscious explosion happens.

Taken from the 108 Video on “Feeling Connection”, based on the Life & Teachings of Nithyananda


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