Inner Awakening is a Must for Teenagers!


I did not have any intention to go for the Varanasi 2015 Inner Awakening program. However, within 2 days of receiving Swamiji’s blessings (by means of ‘Dial-The-Avatar’) my parents and I were in Varanasi! Although this was my second Inner Awakening program, it could in no way be compared to the previous one! This time it had two new components, i.e, the Shivoham process and the Third Eye Awakening initiation.

As per my understanding, the Shivoham process is an intense cleansing process wherein Swamiji cleanses our very bio-memory and muscle memory, thereby relieving us from all the pain, fear and suffering patterns and other incompletions that we have been carrying since birth in this life and all our previous births. This process is so intense that by the 3rd day itself I felt myself becoming light.

We were also initiated by Swamiji to awaken the third eye, which is an actual phenomena situated in the brow-centre. Just by its awakening, I  can feel so many powers awaken in me. For example, I felt my intuition become extremely sharp, by about ten-fold.

The Inner Awakening program conducted by my guru Paramahamsa Nithyananda is, I would say, the ultimate and a must in every person’s life, especially in a teenagers’ life.

Aditi Agarwal, Student (18)

Mumbai, India